TV & Movies

Perfect High

Last night, Perfect High premiered on Lifetime, and there were several reasons why I decided to check it out. First, it was lead actress Bella Thorne‘s edgiest role to date, and as I’ve been lucky enough to encounter and interview the star at many points in my career, I had to support her project. Then, I’ve […]

Maleficent x MAC Cosmetics

I can’t think of a new movie release that I’m more excited about than the upcoming Disney film, Maleficent. The spooky live-action film will re-imagine the iconic villain of one of my favorite animated films, Sleeping Beauty. A fun accompaniment to the movie is a brand new makeup collaboration with MAC Cosmetics that is a […]

Divergent x Sephora Makeup Collection

Are you ready for the most kick-ass beauty collection ever released by Sephora? The beauty superbrand’s latest collaboration is with the upcoming movie, Divergent. The film, featuring Shailene Woodley as Tris Prior and Theo James as Four Eaton is an amped-up version of the favorite novel of the same title, but the makeup collection the franchise has inspired is […]

Pretty Little Liars x Aeropostale: Costume-Inspired Collection

The fashions on Pretty Little Liars are literally to die for, and Aeropostale just made it easy to get the look at home. The show’s costume designer, Mandi Line, teamed up with the brand to deliver awesome styles straight from the episodes, and it’s one of the most exciting collaborations to hit the mass market […]

Teen Wolf is Back!

The title of MTV’s hit show Teen Wolf is embarrassing. As was the cover photo that Netflix chose, before they removed the show from their libraries (much to the dismay of fans if the comment section is indicative of anything). Last year when I first tried to watch Teen Wolf both the title and the […]

The Hunger Games x Covergirl Capitol Collection

One of my favorite things about makeup is that you can completely reinvent your look with it: it’s not about fixing flaws or making yourself into a different person, it’s just seeing the artistic creations you can come up with! The Covergirl Capital collection is the hottest makeup collaboration out there, perfectly timed with the […]

Hostages: CBS’ Newest Thriller?

For the past few months I have not been able to get through one CBS show or walk down the street without seeing an advertisement on a bus or subway encouraging me to check out CBS’ “new thriller” Hostages. While I trust Toni Collette to flawlessly embody a character and personally believe we could all […]

Lee Daniels’ The Butler

I was born two decades after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. I was born a biracial female: Black and Mexican. In preschool one of my best friends was Latina and my other best friend was half Asian-American and half White. My first boyfriend was Armenian. I have never known a world in which I […]

SYTYCD Season 10: 10 Songs from Episodes 1-3

Oh yes, it’s that time of the year my friends. So You Think You Can Dance is back for their 10th season and it’s proving to be excellent so far. Click on for some music highlights and a bunch of downloads:

Man of Steel

When I was growing up people would constantly compare Batman and Superman when discussing superheroes: Who’s the best? Who would win if they had a face-off? Who’s ultimately more cool? Since I love heroes who have a bit of darkness within them and have to challenge themselves (in meaningful ways) to overcome their darkness and […]